Monday, March 27, 2006




Sunday, March 05, 2006

Fuel Price in Malaysia

Before 1990 - RM 0.89
1990 - RM 1.10 (increment of RM 0.21)
01/10/2000 - RM 1.20 (increment of RM 0.10)
20/10/2001 - RM 1.30 (increment of RM 0.10)
01/05/2002 - RM 1.32 (increment of RM 0.02)
31/10/2002 - RM 1.33 (increment of RM 0.01)
01/03/2003 - RM 1.35 (increment of RM 0.02)
01/05/2004 - RM 1.37 (increment of RM 0.02)
01/10/2004 - RM 1.42 (increment of RM 0.05)
05/05/2005 - RM 1.52 (increment of RM 0.10)
31/07/2005 - RM 1.62 (increment of RM 0.10)
28/02/2006 - RM 1.92 (increment of RM 0.30)

In the time of the previous Prime Minister, the fuel increased RM0.48 (red) for over 22 years of his management. Now only 2 years ++, the government had raised the fuel price to RM1.92 per liter (RM0.50 increased). What does this indicate? Our previous management is better? The current one is facing problem to manage the country? The world fuel price fluctuate more compare to years before 2004?

Don't get me wrong here, I am not trying to point finger at anyone. For long run, I think this is what the government have to do. However, the after math of this issue that is scaring the people. Inflation, price of goods increases, cost of living, car maintenance and the list goes on...

Is our public social benefit good enough to take care of the people? or do we have one ahhh? Maybe we have but meant to take care of certain "people"... The rich become richer and the poor become poorer... It is a good time for Robin Hood to come into the picture....hahahaha...

Anyway, life goes on, right?

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

古 运 河

京杭古运河和万里长城一样是中国劳动人民最伟大的创造之一,其中江南运河嘉兴段(即古运河)因其地处水乡,沿河自然风光秀丽,成为深受海外游客青睐的重要旅游线之一。  大运河开凿于隋炀帝初期(605-610),元世祖时,又开凿了会通河与通惠河,这样就形成了从北京到杭州全长1794公里的京杭大运河。江南运河的开凿比此还要早,据考证约在春秋晚期(公元前5世纪),至今已有2400多年历史。嘉兴城市格局就是根据运河而展开,古城内外河道纵横交错,这些河流及其两岸古民居构成了浓厚的江南水乡风情。  江南运河嘉兴段北起嘉兴秀洲区王江泾长虹桥,南到桐乡崇福镇,流经秀洲区、秀城区、桐乡市境内,全长81.22公里,“隋大业中开运河至嘉兴府城,分支夹城左右”。河流在经过杉青闸端平桥后分流,现在北面为古运河主流,东南面则为秀水、濠河支流。主流经过北丽桥、城北桥至西丽桥与濠河汇合。秀水在绕城经过濠河、西南湖后与主流相连。运河在北门外的杉青闸原为运河上控制水流的重要设施,建于北宋之前,在管理船只、节制流速和灌溉农田方面有十分重要的作用。北片月河古民居小区里,小巷小街迂回曲折,纵横错立,小河、狭弄、旧民居、廊棚在一片不大的区域里,展现了浓厚的水乡古城风貌;鉏家河、鉏家滩、鉏桥弄一带河道虽不宽,但民居很有特色。在这一带沿运河还有因明代迎神赛会设厉坛而得名的坛弄;以“其水抱月,弯曲如月”的月河埭;以天水庵、芦席汇闻名的分水墩;古战场遗址饮马河等,这里一切均保持原貌。南片濠河南门段及西南湖一带是历史文化区,这里既有莎剧翻译家朱生豪故居、爱国民主人士沈钧儒故居、一代水工汪胡桢故居,又有宋代词人朱敦儒避居地等。目前古运河旅游线已在全面开发之中。

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------还记得当时我是在无锡。。。早晨六点多就给一些吵闹的杂声阵醒。 到底发生了甚麽事呀?好像煞车的声音。。。打开酒店的窗口从八楼望下去,果然是煞车的声音,可是并不是汽车而是脚踏车。那天早晨温度应该是十度上下吧,感觉很清爽。我就在酒店附近打个转走走看看,来到了古运河。一艘艘的船连结成像似火车般的车厢,载运各种各样的东西。回想两千多年前至今,古运河不知在中国经济上扮演了多少角色。

Monday, December 19, 2005


平时不烧香, 临时抱佛脚...

这一句俗语大家都时常听见吧? 我去年到中国无锡却如实的 "抱了佛脚"...哈!

Monday, November 28, 2005






中學考試為了讓馬來同胞能昇上大學而送分不可再犯 .多少出國留學生吃了苦頭?再國?也不例外.都是鍍金而已.悲哀啊!

看法4: (我特别喜欢这个…) I was rejected to enter UM when I finished my STPM many years ago. I had to go to Singapore for my tertiary studies and I am now doing a PhD in MIT. I am not trying to be proud of myself, I just want to point out that there are so many great students that had been rejected by local universities and it has proved that local Us are missing all these talents by just applying their bias selection criteria towards so called BUMIPUTERA. Of course, those BUMIPUTERA will eventually ruin the credibility and the good name of the universities. This is not surprising at all.

马来西亚的教育制度已经被改了很多次, 而且还是一次比一次烂. 到头来还不是为了某些人而改, 有那一次是真正为了大众着想呢??? 别的国家在往前冲, 我们呢? 好像在往后退... 可悲!

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

21st century life-less-ness..!!

ever read the following...trend?

Our telephone - Cordless
Our communication - Wireless
Our business - Cashless
Our office - Paperless
Our cooking - Fireless
Our religion - Creedless
Our food - Fatless
Our faith - Godless
Our labour - Effortless
Our conduct - Worthless
Our relation - Loveless
Our attitude - Careless
Our feelings - Heartless
Our politics - Shameless
Our education - Valueless
Our follies - Countless
Our arguments - Baseless
Our commitment - Aimless
Our life - Meaningless
Our youth - Jobless

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

do you have blog?..... view my blog lah..... check out the latest post in my blog..... also can't remeber when was the first time I hear about this...It seems that blogging is THE "IN" thing in the world of internet nowadays...We used to hear people say, "Check out my website"....but now it is changing....Check out my blog, dude!!! Maybe one of these days it will be use in the corporate world, Check out my company blog...

Anyway, here I am, trying to go with the flow of the trend, figuring out the world of blogging...