中學考試為了讓馬來同胞能昇上大學而送分不可再犯 .多少出國留學生吃了苦頭?再國?也不例外.都是鍍金而已.悲哀啊!
看法4: (我特别喜欢这个…) I was rejected to enter UM when I finished my STPM many years ago. I had to go to Singapore for my tertiary studies and I am now doing a PhD in MIT. I am not trying to be proud of myself, I just want to point out that there are so many great students that had been rejected by local universities and it has proved that local Us are missing all these talents by just applying their bias selection criteria towards so called BUMIPUTERA. Of course, those BUMIPUTERA will eventually ruin the credibility and the good name of the universities. This is not surprising at all.
马来西亚的教育制度已经被改了很多次, 而且还是一次比一次烂. 到头来还不是为了某些人而改, 有那一次是真正为了大众着想呢??? 别的国家在往前冲, 我们呢? 好像在往后退... 可悲!
I guess it makes us who spent years overseas studying feeling lousy when we learn that it is the creme de la creme that foreign schools keep, and when we had to tell our school mates "oh, we are here because we are too good for our local schools," our foreign friends would look at us with disbelief.
Nevertheless, I have never thought the local ministries wanted to produced top brains and thinkers, but rather top "listeners" and yes men.
So, as far as I am concerned, the current Malaysian education system is so flawed it is dysfunctional.
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